Summer Fiesta – an Orchard – Kindy Partnership

Sunday Nov 26th 2017 2:00pm – 5.00pm
A big fundraiser event for the Kindy was shared this year with the Orchard and both sites were open for different activities. The Orchard hosted the free entertainment with an excellent lineup of live music all afternoon, a whip cracker and nature mosaic for young and old and fresh food.

3rd Birthday and Shed Artwork Community Celebration

Sunday Oct 22nd, 2017 3pm
The community art project is complete so time to celebrate and thanks Lynne Tinley, our local artist who led this project and created 4 separate art pieces on canvas, doors and shutters of our shed…plus some delightful magpies from Ken.

BIG Winter Planting Day

Saturday July 29th 2017 10-1pm
Everyone is welcome. Come and help us develop the Orchard vision and get some fruit and nut trees in the ground on our Samson St boundary plus some understory seedlings. Bring a digging tool and wheelbarrow if you have one.