Our 10th AGM coming up – Sunday 19/11 3:30pm

Sunday afternoon of Nov 19th 3:15 for 3:30 start. Join online or come in person to a backyard meeting at Steph’s house.  Email us for more details.  Come to listen and find out more, or getting more involved through the committee or supporting the committee.

Our 10th Winter Solstice Lantern Parade – Saturday 17 June, 2023

Saturday June 17th Winter Solstice celebrations – It’s going to be a beauty!

Lots of activities onsite before the parade from flower crowns, lantern making and earlier in the day ember bowl making (by prior registration).

Then around 5:30 the fanfare of the Parade begins, heading down Nannine Ave.


Register for one of two ember bowl making workshops in the Orchard on June 17rh. More details here on Eventbrite.

2023 Olive Harvest: 29 – 30 April

SATURDAY 29th April am & pm verge tree picks 

Harvesting in Booyeembara

SUNDAY 30th APRIL 9am – 12:30 in Booyeembara’s Olive Grove, then Harvest Lunch! (byo lunch or buy pizza)   Enjoy live music from the Mediterranean while you harvest! 

Whether you want to join the Saturday verge  harvest, Sunday harvest or pick your own to add to the harvest, please register on Eventbrite ( “whitegumvalley-olive-harvest2023” ) or email: us then we can communicate with you to make this a smooth, enjoyable harvest. 

More information here:Olive harvest 2023 information-V2


Enjoy Saturday Sunsets in March in the Orchard

Come down to the Orchard on a Satuday night in March for dinner, a drink, a chat or just a wander through the fruit trees. Orchard Crew will be on-site winding down, sharing some food and having a catch up. If you’ve ever wanted to find out which tree is which (or any other query) this is your chance. An easy community catch up to make and sustain local connections.

BYO instrument for an acoustic open mic / jamming circle.

BYO food & drink, mats & some chairs provided.

Hope to see you there!