Our 10th Winter Solstice Lantern Parade – Saturday 17 June, 2023

Saturday June 17th Winter Solstice celebrations – It’s going to be a beauty!

Lots of activities onsite before the parade from flower crowns, lantern making and earlier in the day ember bowl making (by prior registration).

Then around 5:30 the fanfare of the Parade begins, heading down Nannine Ave.


Register for one of two ember bowl making workshops in the Orchard on June 17rh. More details here on Eventbrite.

Pre-winter Busy Bee – Sunday May 21st

All welcome to lend a hand to a multitude of tasks for the pre-winter busy bee.

2:30-4:30pm in the Orchard.

Bring water and any tools you prefer for pruning, weeding or a wheelbarrow…or just come as you are.