2022 Winter Solstice & Lantern Parade – June 18th (postponed to 19th)
For the last n
ine years we have gathered together on, or close to, the Winter Solstice to share afternoon tea, make lanterns and celebrate the changing seasons by walking together through the neighbourhood on the shortest night of the year.
Come join us at the WGV Community Orchard in 2022 to celebrate and for a gold coin donation you can check out the Blacksmithing Van, Freo Recycling Truck, make a Flower Crown, take home a Makuru Seedling, create a Winter Heart and lots more. A completely volunteer run event this year we’ve been lucky enough to get funding from the City of Fremantle for which we are very grateful for!
It all kicks off from 3pm and by 5.30pm we’ll listen for the wonderful Wasamba Drummers as they start up a beat that will lead us through the Valley.
also see our Facebook events