We’re turning 10!
Our 11th AGM from 3pm and then we celebrate 10 years from 4pm. Everyone welcome.
This author has yet to write their bio.
Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud Steph contributed a whooping 21 entries.
Our 11th AGM from 3pm and then we celebrate 10 years from 4pm. Everyone welcome.
We are lucky in Freo – we have a range of community gardens from large market gardens, a small garden hidden behind a café, gardens selling seedlings to orchards . . . all with passionate and knowledgeable people involved. There will be something to inspire everyone. So visit your local garden, a few you are […]
We’re giving the Winter Solstice a new look this year and taking a break on the lantern parade. In the orchard we’ll be putting on a low key gathering to enjoy this time of year and include some orchard tlc. Come on down and have a cuppa around the fire.
We’re hoping winter rains will be on their way soon so we’re getting the orchard ready with a few tree and shrub plantings and a several other jobs onsite. Come and join us.
On Monday May 6th we’ll have a tree care session 8:30-9:30am On Sunday May 19th 2:30-4pm we’ll run a busy bee planting and harvesting the last summer crops.
Register here in Eventbrite :https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/2024-community-olive-harvest-saturday-verge-pick-sunday-in-booyeembara-tickets-864415920287?aff=oddtdtcreator Join the 2024 Community Olive Harvest: Saturday 20/4- choose the morning harvest team or mid afternoon harvest mob to harvest olives from the verges of White Gum Valley Sunday morning 21/4 in Booyeembara Park’s Olive Grove (located on Montreal Street near Public Golf Course ), between 9:00am – 12.30pm. Then […]
Join our late summer busy bee followed by a sundowner Busy Bee Sunday Mar 10th. 3:30pm- 5pm Sundowner 5 – 6:30pm A very busy busy-bee with loads of jobs to tackle like oiling timber structures, feeding trees and de-weeding our weedy corner. Everyone is welcome!
Sunday afternoon of Nov 19th 3:15 for 3:30 start. Join online or come in person to a backyard meeting at Steph’s house. Email us for more details. Come to listen and find out more, or getting more involved through the committee or supporting the committee.
Join our friendly group of gardeners to tackle a range of gardening and cleanup jobs in the Orchard on Saturday afternoon. From weeding and watering to spreading manure and rock dust to our hungry tropical zone, there is a job for everyone.
Saturday June 17th 3:30 – 6:30pm Heaps of activity in the Orchard then at 5:30 we head off with our lanterns for a parade in the Valley as dusk descends.